Camino Nova Scotia - Walking the Harvest Moon Trail
I had a chance this fall to walk with a group of travellers on the Camino Nova Scotia Harvest Moon trail from Grand Pré to Annapolis Royal.

It was a 113km walk down the Annapolis Valley over five walking days. We walked an old abandoned railway line that took us through some wonderful countryside walking with some wonderful people. It was organized through the Atlantic School of Theology and its Camino leader Matthew Anderson and his team. It was a wonderful time. We walked together at our own pace, we ate together with some wonderful meals prepared by Shawna and before each walk, we warmed up together with some wonderful movement patterns led by Sheilah.
We were given a little reflection and each morning and evening we read together and were given an 'intentions' for the day from someone in the group. It was a wonderful experience of very different people coming together to walk this pilgrimage. Here is a reflection I had on my last day of walking that came somewhere on the last leg of our 113km journey that was meaningful to me. I was quite tired and as I was praying these thoughts came to mind.

-For most of the day I walked alone...but I never felt alone. For some reason the song, 'you will never walk alone' came to mind and I sang as much of it as I could remember. The names and faces of my fellow pilgrims walking in front and behind me came to mind. I recalled each conversation we had together either alone or with the group. I recalled the challenges and obstacles overcome, and those yet to overcome...For most of the day I walked alone but I never felt alone. I recalled the fruit salad that was prepared for our desert last night and how each piece of fruit was a different shape and colour and how each piece had a different taste, some tangy, some sweet, some both and yet when we tasted it all together it was very good - just like our Camino group...For most of the day I walked alone but I never felt alone because on this Pilgrims Journey, on this Camino, you were walking with me.-

I hope you can experience a Camino someday.